Saturday, January 21, 2012

Big Change In Sales Copy

Have you noticed it?

Sales copy in web sites, emails a nd Utbes are getting much longer.

"They" now say "Long sales copy sells"! I think it does too.  That is OK because that is the goal of writing sales copy - sell more.  Two  or more pages, can get the suspect/prospect thinking "in the right direction" usually.  If the reader will just keep reading it means that he is interested and that interest just might continue to grow enough to lead to a sale. He may sell himself!   Simple really. 

If the sales site is promoting an income program where by the prospect can make a 6 figure income and it will only cost him $49.95 to get the secret, it may take a long sales copy to get him to ignore the "red flag" of the cheap cost for such a huge income claim.  And what will probably happen is that he will glance over to his right and check to see how long or short the scroll bar is and if it is short, he will quickly scroll to the bottom to see how much the price to purchase is (it may be a little hidden).

In other words, with the current trend of longer sales copy and the amount of scams on the net, some promoters are doing the extra effort to get a sale and not always to the advantage of the prospect.  It is becoming harder to make a sale and the trouble going on with payment processors now, is really causing a lot of trouble for the promoter.

The long Utube promotions are getting really wild.  Some are made is what looks like vacant rooms, in cars, pickup trucks and junky looking places.  Would you spend your hard earned money with such a promoter?  Surely not, - starting a new venture may be a bit risky anyway even after doing the best due diligence.

So in summary, - are long sales copy efforts bad.  No not always, but it is just yet another thing to keep in mind when reading one.  Just ask yourself:  exactly what is behind this writing?  You know it is trying to sell something.  Is it a pre-launch, from a source that has "burnt" you before, spammed you, or from someone you trust or maybe checked out OK in the Warrior Forum?   Amen!

** I hope you don't think this "copy" is to long............