Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reality vs. Gross Net Promotions & Hype

A "Rant"!
There are far too many morons telling people they can make
thousands overnight or in weeks or months with no work and
no money.

There are far too many scams out there that will not be around in
3 - 6 months.  Zeek is a good example of this because people were
so excited about the easy way to make money, they allowed
themselves to look past the business model that was 100% pure
Ponzi.  I think they call this Gold Fever!!!

As long as Opportunity Seekers continue to jump from one highly
promoted program to the next (the next flashy sales page) - they
will simply loose their money and their TIME! Time cannot be
recovered.  You'll never have freedom, you'll never get rich and
you'll always commute to a job and work for someone else and there
is absolutely nothing wrong with this as millions of people do it, but
if you want better and you want control of your life and you want to
do better, than quit believing the hype and focus your attention on a
>>>>  Goal. We can help.

Multiple Stream of Income Myth:

This is another problem people have online as they get involved with
too many programs and they cannot mange all of them well.  You
need to focus on one program and then, and only then do you get
involved with something else.

There are some rather harsh comments here, but they
are meant to encourage better "Goal" preparation.

A "Goal" foundation can start here:

Best  $$$ Wishes,

Dick Morrison  -  Entrepreneur

PS  Forget the "hype" deals..........

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Home Bussiness For Satisfaction

Good morning from Colorado.

I like many others, like the idea of having a good, honest respectable,
profitable HOME BUSINESS! A business that I can simply open up
each day and have a pattern to run on.  A pattern that has the
problems worked out of it and all I have to do is perform the neces-
sary tasks to keep it running smoothly.

Oh sure, there will have to be some needed adjustments made
occasionally to keep the operation running, like in any other business,
but I would be ready for them and take it all in stride.  Yes!  I will
keep it running as a very satisfactory home business.  The great
SATISFACTION  of having a successful HOME BUSINESS is
just as satisfying as the financial income. 

Do You agree?

Maby You have not thought of it exactly that way.  But just
MONEY is not a total satisfaction by its self. Income from some
questionable online program will probably soon stop and/or you
are ashamed of the activity (you don't want your family to know
what you are doing).

Do You expect me to have a suggested business or recommendation?
Of course You do.......Please check me out: