Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Saw A Tree

Yes, a tree. A rather old tree and on it someone had carved very crudely "W I I I F M" !?

I had to think where I had seen it before and what it stood for. It had something to do with human nature and how us humans think or do, I remembered. But what?  What could be so important to someone to take the time to make that difficult carving on that tree?

I couldn't quit thinking about it. Obviously the thought behind the carving was strong on someone's
mind. Maybe a lingering problem? Some situation was really bothering him. Perhaps as he had been walking along, "thinking", and an impulse came out that he was going to record something for any other passer-by to see. Finally I felt like I was getting close to remembering..... Haven't you had that feeling?

Shortly thereafter as I was working on my marketing effort, it came to me: What Is In It For Me!

That is it, - we all naturally will ask our selves (what is in this for me) when considering some new change or effort in our lives. It is a healthy "habit" as we try not to make a mistake.

OK, now you should remember what this one stands for: WYSIWYG ?

What are your "IM" interests & desires?


No sales pitches please....

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