Thursday, December 12, 2013

Greed Can Be Expensive - Or....

EN   <>  I2G .......

Late in 2011 EN broke over us!  How exciting, and it was
for real too.  But a LOT of people didn't do due diligence
and complained bitterly about having to "pass up" many
dollars.  Human nature doesn't like to study details much
and that caused many to have severe disappointment. 
Most quietly licked their wounds and moved on. 

Now in mid 2013 along comes I2G.  Another legitimate big
money making idea very similar in structure to EN. Some
call it "slick" and some call it "smart". It is smart if you are
a gambler (do what ever it takes to succeed attitude) with
a few thousand dollars to start at the top, or just "slick" if
you are anti gambling and/or don't have the money or
inclination to plunge.  YOU make the choice.  Nice to
have a choice, don't you think? 

Also Human Nature causes us not to want to take a day or
more while investigating a new income program we are
considering joining. The Guru(s) will pressure you to join
ASAP or they will call you a "tire kicker". Tire kicking
be a part of "due diligence"?

Anyway, - we are all in IM to earn money.  It is simply,
"different strokes for different folks" and may all your
decisions HELP YOU!

Best Wishes,    <>    Dick Morrison  

PS   My recommendation for consideration today can be found here:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Like: Mind Set For Internet Marketing

There was a tree……..  there in the woods.

Yes, a tree. A rather old tree and on it someone had
carved very crudely “W I I I F M” !?

I had to think where I had seen it before and what it stood
for. It had something to do with human nature and how us
 humans think or do, I remembered. But what? What could
be so important to someone to take the time to make that
difficult carving on that tree?

I couldn’t quit thinking about it. Obviously the thought
behind the carving was strong on someone’s mind. Maybe
a lingering problem? Some situation was really bothering
him. Perhaps as he had been walking along, “thinking”,
and an impulse came out that he was going to record
something for any other passer-by to see. Finally I felt like
I was getting close to remembering….. Haven’t you had
that feeling?

Shortly thereafter as I was working on my marketing
effort, it came to me: What Is In It For Me!

That is it, – we all naturally will ask our selves (what is in
 this for me) when considering some new change or effort
in our lives. It is a health “habit” as we try not to make a

The "Mind Set" point here is that to make money on the
internet, we must determine WIITFM before we join a
program like I am recommending here:
You will like the results.........

Best Wishes,     Dick Morrison

PS  Here is another “one”:   WYSIWYR      Do you know what it means?

Think Better or Fail

Are You Gullible?

Most online “money making opportunity” programs on the
net are aimed at newbies, those desperate for money,
program jumpers, those who didn't do due diligence on a
program of interest, and those who fall for slick
advertising and lies. Sorry, – there is just no nice way to
say it.

So, am I claiming to “know it all”? Of course not but I
 have been around for a few years and hopefully learned
enough to help myself and others avoid many, many bad
disappointments and loss of money & TIME!

When ads say: “We will close the deal for you”: Stay
away!  “Pay $25 and make thousands” usually big up-
sells) “Make EASY money right here” There is no such
thing as easy money!  Or, - “I made $,$$$ each week”, -
then WHY do they need You?  Or, - “Fill your matrix”
Filling a matrix is near impossible.  Or, - “We have
0,000,000 sign-ups”.  **But how many QUIT?

But be aware that there are thousands of people working
part time or full on their internet businesses and making
A LOT OF MONEY. They have obviously learned what
would work for them & they are just quietly going about
their days of endless PROFITS. Most of them don't brag
about their business on Face Book or run misleading

Do I have a program for you to consider that I regard as
being a GOOD SAFE MONEY MAKER? Of course I do
& you will be surprised at how simple it is.  Please go to:

Best Wishes,   Dick Morrison

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Did You Progre$$ Today?

Discipline Determines Destiny.......

What do you have to show for your expended effort$ for
today?   Most of us, day after day and week after week,
find ourselves so bogged with the daily routine of life,
that we never really seem to have time to spend on
projects that mean the most.  As the days go by, we end
up getting further and further from  our goals, often
settling for much less than we had originally hoped for.

 Does this sound like YOU? 

How many times in your life did you tell yourself
"Someday I will do this or someday I will do that." But
that someday has never come. Whether it's poor
economic conditions or bad timing or inadequate
financing or whatever the reason might be . . .

With the economy the way it is, - now is an ideal to find
our if you have what it takes to actually turn your
finances into  actual FINANCIAL FREEDOM!  Many are
actually doing  exactly that.

Yes, - - you guessed it, I have a recommendation, but only
if you will acknowledge that "actions still speak louder
than words"!  Please check out......

 Best Wishes,

 Dick Morrison 

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Grass Is Always greener....

The Grass Is Always Greener – Over The Septic Tank

Bait Ads – Traps!

Are you looking for a new business opportunity? Tens of thousands of people are seriously searching every day. The economy is driving them with renewed effort.
 But many are caught up in a physiological “trap” they are not even aware of at least for quite a while, – maybe months.

I call it the, “Bait Ads”! We all see them every day. They look so inviting and the sales page looks like you cannot loose if you will just give THIS deal a  reasonable effort. Of course there is big money, all but promised in the page. So you may check it out as best you can. I like to put ‘em into Google like “??????”/complaints and/or scams, and see what gripes anyone has expressed. Some body is always griping about something so you have to take that into account of course.

Then about the time a decision may be made, – - wait, there is a BETTER looking AD! So often the first ad is dropped and we start trying to sell ourselves on this New Ad. This can go on all day!! Or all week, month……… And the Opportunity Seeker can become a “mental mess”! Just stop it!

The best recommendation is probably to try to determine if a deal is a scam or not. That is obviously a MUST! Then go with a time tested program that you feel safe with and: STOP READING ANY OTHER ADS! Delete all other ads. You must break the habit of being drawn into reading ads and it will probably be a tough habit to break.

My recommendation based on my 3+ years of IM, is this "little" program that has REAL Good income for any one why will go through the entire video in order to realize what they have stumbled upon.  You should check this out!

Dick Morrison